About Us Guide for Indian business visitors


The Embassy welcomes visits by Indian exporters to Peru. When a visit to Peru is planned, it is advisable to inform the Embassy well in advance so that the visit can be planned suitably. The Embassy can then provide lists of important Peruvian importers/dealers of particular products, as well as other large Peruvian companies so that useful contacts can be made with them prior to the visit. In addition the Embassy can provide useful statistical information on specific products. The Embassy can also assist Indian business visitors in fixing meetings with prospective Peruvian importers. A visit to the Embassy for a small briefing before kicking off the business activities is useful. For its part, the Embassy requests that exporters give a short briefing on their activities in Peru before returning to India. The Embassy has a commercial library, which provides useful information to local businessmen on Indian manufacturers, exporters and importers. The facility can also be used by visiting Indian businessmen in case they wish to meet their Peruvian clients there. The Commercial Library also has catalogues of Indian companies. It would be useful to leave some copies of the company brochures to be kept there.

The following persons at the Embassy of India (Embajada de India) can be personally contacted:

Mr. Raghuvir Singh
Attache (Commerce)
Phone: +51-1-2616006
Email: ccom[dot]lima[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Mr. Italo Heredia
Marketing Assistant
Phone:+51 2616006 - Ext. 27 / +51-1-4621693
Email: com1[dot]lima[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Mr. Miguel Martin Benito Rojas Peixoto
Marketing Assistant
+51-1-4610371 / +51-1-2616006 Ext. 37
Email: com2[dot]lima[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in


An important factor while interacting with Peruvian businessmen is knowledge of Spanish. Spanish is the most spoken language in this country and very few Peruvian businessmen can speak English. It will, therefore, be highly advisable to either have a working knowledge of Spanish or to hire the services of an interpreter. Since Peru has a modern, sophisticated and strong service industry, interpretation services are available at a rate of around $12 per hour onwards. Also, since Peruvian companies receive a large number of trade enquiries in English and most of them go unreplied or even unnoticed, we would advise that enquiries or other correspondence to the Peruvian companies should be in Spanish. Information brochures and company profiles should also be printed in Spanish using translation services in India.

Peruvian holidays

While planning a visit to Peru, it is important to take into account the national holidays. A list of Embassy holidays  is given in the section About Us. Dates for important Peruvian Holidays should be checked in advance, also from the Peruvian Embassy in New Delhi at: http://www.embassyperuindia.in/. Like their brethren in other Latin American countries Peruvians are fun-loving people and will not be available during festivities. Business visits to Peru should be avoided on these holidays as well as a couple of days before and after.

Major Exhibitions in Peru

The following links can be accessed for getting the information on exhibitions in Peru

- Lima Chamber of Commerce, http://www.camaralima.org.pe/

The Trade Association of Peru, "AFEP": https://afep.pe/


General safety in Peru is comparatively reasonable. The scourge of terrorism, which affected the normal life in this country a decade ago, has nearly disappeared. However, petty street crime is common and extra vigilance should be taken in order to reduce the risk. Passport and wallet should be carried carefully (it is compulsory to carry some identity document in Peru at all times) as there many cases of snatching and pick-pocketing.


Hotels in Peru are generally good and reasonably priced. Services provided by them are of normal international standard. All international credit cards are accepted by not only big hotels but also by inexpensive hostals (small, inexpensive hotels with limited services). List of some prominent hotels in Lima is at:  https://www.tripadvisor.com.pe/Hotels-g294316-Lima_Lima_Region-Hotels.html


The exchange rate of Peruvian currency, Peruvian Sol, is determined by the market forces with some intervention by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru to stabilize changes in the price. Conversion of US Dollars to Soles and vice-versa is very liberal and most of the stores and shops accept US dollars.  The current Exchange rates of Peruvian currency (Soles) vis-à-vis major international currencies are given at : https://www.bcrp.gob.pe/  

Local transport

Though there is no state-owned public transport system, taxis are available in abundance and are not so expensive. However, there are no meters and fares are to be fixed before boarding them. The train system is almost non-existent and trips outside Lima should be made by air or by comfortable luxury buses.


Lima has a large number of restaurants which suite all pockets and palates. One can find all types of international cuisine though there can be some problem finding vegetarian meals. There are plenty of Chinese restaurants both of high standard and small timers. Peru also has a large variety of fruit and vegetables, which are available in plenty, throughout the year, at reasonable prices. While visiting Peru, one should also try Peruvian food, which is both delicious and nutritious. Addresses of some good restaurants are given at: https://www.tripadvisor.com.pe/Restaurants-g294316-Lima_Lima_Region.html https://www.peru.travel/pe/experiencias/gastronomia 


Climatically, the country is dry in the costal desert, temperate in highland valleys and harshly cold in high-altitude grasslands. The climate in Lima remains mild throughout the year with highest temperatures in summer (January-April) being around 32 degrees Celsius. During the winter, there is rarely a sunny day and there is considerable mist and dampness and humidity.

Other information

The electric current in Peru is 220 volts but at 60 hz. As far as drinking water is concerned, one should avoid tap water and instead consume bottled water, which is available in abundance.

A business visit to Peru can be combined with a two-day pleasure trip to Machu Picchu, the ruins of an Inca city about 1200 km south-east of Lima, which is one of the most spectacular sites in the world.
